34 research outputs found


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    Republic of France is one of the most developed countries of the European Union. In the Republic of France 58.1% of the population used Internet by statistic data from march 2008. The number of users growing steadily since then. Fight against cyber crime was set as a priority in the years 2008 and 2009 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of France in order to preserve the information structure as the basis of modern information society. French laws are constantly adapting modern practices related to high-tech crime suppression. Structure of government bodies intended to fight against this phenomenon in France is an example of an effective system for combating cyber crime. Criminal legal regulations in the Republic of France provide an effective framework for preventing this criminal phenomenon. Harsh sentencing policies that are reflected in the amount of prison sentences, and high fines could be a kind of deterrent factor for crime prevention in this area.Republika Francuska je jedna od najrazvijenijih država Evropske Unije. U martu 2008. godine Internet je u Republici Francuskoj koristilo 58.1% stanovniÅ”tva, a broj korisnika je od tada u stalnom porastu. Tokom 2008. i 2009. godine borba protiv visokotehnoloÅ”kog kriminala od strane Ministarstva unutraÅ”njih poslova Republike Francuske postavljena je kao prioritet radi očuvanja informacione strukture kao osnove savremenog informacionog druÅ”tva. Francuski zakoni se konstantno prilagođavaju savremenoj praksi vezanoj za visokotehnoloÅ”ki kriminal, a struktura državnih organa Francuske namenjena borbi protiv ovog fenomena predstavlja primer efikasnog sistema za borbu protiv visokotehnoloÅ”kog kriminala. Krivično pravna regulativa u Republici Francuskoj pruža efikasne okvire za sprečavanje ove pojave. OÅ”tra kaznena politika koje se ogleda u visini zatvorskih kazni koje su zaprećene, kao i zaprećenim novčanim kaznama predstavlja i svojevrstan faktor odvraćanja od izvrÅ”enja krivičnih dela iz ove oblasti

    Phishing schemes - typology and analysis in Serbian cyber space

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe various factors for understanding criminal behaviour involved in phishing and to provide advice in the areas of security, criminal procedure, and victimology. Design/methodology/approach: The project combined several qualitative and quantitative techniques such as interviews and surveys, as well as content analysis. Findings: Several categories of subjects were identified: those who are aware of some scientific achievements in this field and who feel increasingly apprehensive about the disclosure of private information; those who are not prepared to readily incorporate scientific progress in similar fields; the third category includes staff members who do not embrace all new measures in the fight against this type of cybercrime. The participants could also be categorized on the basis of their inclination to recognize new forms and types of phishing: some are aware of new forms and can recognize them as soon as they emerge locally; others cannot do so. Research limitations/implications: To allow findings to be generalized, future research should include measures that could specify additional means to be used by members of a wider representative group, such as tools, materials, educational and course modules, implemented during training. Practical implications: This research represents a useful source of information for method implication in combating phishing schemes, and for detecting new emerging forms and types of cybercrime promptly, as well as new social engineering methods to facilitate it. Originality/value: This paper should be of particular interest to forensic specialists, in the analysis of crime scene behaviour and of methods phishers use in luring their victims

    Phishing schemes - typology and analysis in Serbian cyber space

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe various factors for understanding criminal behaviour involved in phishing and to provide advice in the areas of security, criminal procedure, and victimology. Design/methodology/approach: The project combined several qualitative and quantitative techniques such as interviews and surveys, as well as content analysis. Findings: Several categories of subjects were identified: those who are aware of some scientific achievements in this field and who feel increasingly apprehensive about the disclosure of private information; those who are not prepared to readily incorporate scientific progress in similar fields; the third category includes staff members who do not embrace all new measures in the fight against this type of cybercrime. The participants could also be categorized on the basis of their inclination to recognize new forms and types of phishing: some are aware of new forms and can recognize them as soon as they emerge locally; others cannot do so. Research limitations/implications: To allow findings to be generalized, future research should include measures that could specify additional means to be used by members of a wider representative group, such as tools, materials, educational and course modules, implemented during training. Practical implications: This research represents a useful source of information for method implication in combating phishing schemes, and for detecting new emerging forms and types of cybercrime promptly, as well as new social engineering methods to facilitate it. Originality/value: This paper should be of particular interest to forensic specialists, in the analysis of crime scene behaviour and of methods phishers use in luring their victims

    Fokusi u saradnji kriminalističkih policija sa aspekta Nacionalnog centralnog biroa Interpol-a Beograd

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    The authors of this article are trying to present the strategic, tactical and operational levels of complex activities of the National Central Bureau of Interpol in Belgrade. They attempted to merge participation of many operational lines of work of the NCB Interpol in Belgrade. The greatest attention was given to international police cooperation in cyber crime cases, because of its exceptional importance for EU integration of the Republic of Serbia. This article presents author's choices in relation to importance of the exchange of operational data and the existing social threats of these areas of a crime.Autori pokuÅ”avaju da u radu prikažu i povežu strateÅ”ki, taktički i operativni nivo rada u različitim oblastima kompleksnih delatnosti kojima se bavi NCB Interpol u Beogradu. PokuÅ”ano je fuzionisanje raspoloživog sudelovanja mnogih linija rada, pri čemu je najveći akcenat, zbog izuzetnog značaja, stavljen na međunarodnu policijsku saradnju u oblasti visokotehnoloÅ”kog kriminala, sa aspekta integracije Republike Srbije u EU. Fokusi koji su u radu prikazani izbor su autora prema operativnom značaju u razmeni podataka i postojećoj druÅ”tvenoj opasnosti ovih oblasti kriminala

    Fokusi u saradnji kriminalističkih policija sa aspekta Nacionalnog centralnog biroa Interpol-a Beograd

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    The authors of this article are trying to present the strategic, tactical and operational levels of complex activities of the National Central Bureau of Interpol in Belgrade. They attempted to merge participation of many operational lines of work of the NCB Interpol in Belgrade. The greatest attention was given to international police cooperation in cyber crime cases, because of its exceptional importance for EU integration of the Republic of Serbia. This article presents author's choices in relation to importance of the exchange of operational data and the existing social threats of these areas of a crime.Autori pokuÅ”avaju da u radu prikažu i povežu strateÅ”ki, taktički i operativni nivo rada u različitim oblastima kompleksnih delatnosti kojima se bavi NCB Interpol u Beogradu. PokuÅ”ano je fuzionisanje raspoloživog sudelovanja mnogih linija rada, pri čemu je najveći akcenat, zbog izuzetnog značaja, stavljen na međunarodnu policijsku saradnju u oblasti visokotehnoloÅ”kog kriminala, sa aspekta integracije Republike Srbije u EU. Fokusi koji su u radu prikazani izbor su autora prema operativnom značaju u razmeni podataka i postojećoj druÅ”tvenoj opasnosti ovih oblasti kriminala

    Predicting of citizensā€™ well-being in large cities

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    The well-being of citizens in large cities is an important issue due to potential gaps between needs and capacities for providing health care. That became particularly visible during the Covid pandemic. Thus identifying factors of citizensā€™ well-being in large cities and based on that developing a model of its improvement is of high significance. In the paper six relevant sub-domains of well-being were identified: Evaluative, Emotional, Functional, Vitality, Community, and Supportive. Three of them: Emotional well-being, Evaluative well-being, and Functioning appeared to be highly correlated with each other. The three of the most predictive features of well-being proved to be the presence of anxiety or depression feelings (Anxiety/depression), the presence of pain or discomfort (Pain/discomfort), and the general self-evaluation of health status in the day the participants respond (Health scale). The results of this research may serve local self-governments to get insights into citizensā€™ well-being and to predict changes in the future

    A critical analysis of an IoTā€”aware AAL system for elderly monitoring

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    Abstract A growing number of elderly people (65+ years old) are affected by particular conditions, such as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and frailty, which are characterized by a gradual cognitive and physical decline. Early symptoms may spread across years and often they are noticed only at late stages, when the outcomes remain irrevocable and require costly intervention plans. Therefore, the clinical utility of early detecting these conditions is of substantial importance in order to avoid hospitalization and lessen the socio-economic costs of caring, while it may also significantly improve elderly people's quality of life. This work deals with a critical performance analysis of an Internet of Things aware Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) system for elderly monitoring. The analysis is focused on three main system components: (i) the City-wide data capturing layer, (ii) the Cloud-based centralized data management repository, and (iii) the risk analysis and prediction module. Each module can provide different operating modes, therefore the critical analysis aims at defining which are the best solutions according to context's needs. The proposed system architecture is used by the H2020 City4Age project to support geriatricians for the early detection of MCI and frailty conditions

    Upotreba mikrosatelita u proceni genetičkog diverziteta, kontroli roditeljstva i individualnoj identifikaciji pasarase kangal

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    The Kangal Shepherd Dog is considered the most common dog breed of Turkish origin. This study investigated variations in ten autosomal microsatellite markers (PEZ01, PEZ03, PEZ05, PEZ06, PEZ08, PEZ12, PEZ20, FHC2010, FHC2054 and FHC2079) for the purposes of genetic diversity assessment of the Kangal breed. In addition, the use of markers was assessed in parentage testing and individual identification within the Kangal breed. The microsatellite markers were typed in 51 Kangal dogs. The total number of alleles in the study population was 69. The mean number of alleles per locus was 6.9, and varied from four (FHC2079) to 12 (PEZ12). The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.52 (FHC2079) to 0.87 (PEZ12), with the mean value for all loci of 0.717. Power of exclusion (PE) in 10 microsatellites investigated varied between 0.143 (FHC2054) and 0.472 (PEZ08) per locus. In order to determine the efficiency of using microsatellites for individual identification in the Kangal breed, power of discrimination (PD) and matching probability (MP) were calculated for each microsatellite marker. The panel achieved high combined MP (6.77 Ɨ 10-10) and high combined PD value of 99.99999%. The obtained results may contribute to further recognition of the Kangal breed, and confirm that the investigated microsatellites enable a reliable parentage testing and individual identification of the breed.Kangal rasa pasa se smatra jednom od najčeŔćih rasa turskog porekla. Ova studija je istraživala varijacije deset autozomalnih mikrosatelitskih markera (PEZ01, PEZ03, PEZ05, PEZ06, PEZ08, PEZ12, PEZ20, FHC2010, FHC2054 i FHC2079) u svrhu određivanja genetičkog diverziteta pasa rase kangal. Pored toga, izvrÅ”ena je procena mogućnosti primene ovih markera u individualnoj identifikaciji i u kontroli roditeljstva pasa rase kangal. IzvrÅ”ena je tipizacija navedenih mikrosatelitskih markera kod 51 jedinke kangal rase. Ukupan broj alela u ispitivanoj populaciji iznosio je 69. Prosečan broj alela po lokusu iznosio je 6,9 sa varijacijama od četiri (FHC2079) do 12 (PEZ12). Polimorfizam (PIC) je varirao od 0,52 (FHC2079) do 0,87 (PEZ12), sa srednjom vrednoŔću od 0,717 za sve lokuse. Verovatnoća isključenja (PE) 10 mikrosatelitskih markera varirala je između 0,143 (FHC2054) i 0,472 (PEZ08) po lokusu. U cilju utvrđivanja efikasnosti u svrhu individualne identifikacije pasa rase kangal, određivana je moć diskriminacije (PD) kao i verovatnoća podudaranja (MP) za svaki od ispitivanih markera. Ispitivani panel postigao je visoke vrednosti kako kombinovane MP (6,77 Ɨ 10-10) tako i kombinovane PD od 99,99999%. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju doprinos genetičkoj karakterizaciji rase kangal i pokazuju da je ispitivani panel mikrosatelitskih markera pouzdan u kontroli spornih rodbinskih odnosa i u individualnoj identifikaciji pasa ove rase

    Significance of UGT1A1*28 genotype in patients with advanced liver injury caused by chronic hepatitis C

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    Uvod: Hronični hepatitis C (HHC) je značajan uzročnik morbiditeta i mortaliteta u svetu. Značaj genetskih faktora u patogenezi HHC joÅ” uvek nije u potpunosti razjaÅ”njen. Varijacije UGT1A1 gena su najčeÅ”a uzrok nasledne nekonjugovane hiperbilirubinemije - Zilberovog sindroma. Ovo je prva studija koja se bavi ispitivanjem učesta I osti TA ponavljanja u promotorskoj regiji UGT1A1 gena i analizom povezanosti UGT1A1*28 genotipa sa stepenom fibroze, viremijom i biohemijskim markerima kod pacijenata sa teÅ”kim oÅ”tećenjem jetre izazvanim HHC i virusoloÅ”kim relapsom. Metode: Analizirana su TA ponavljanja u promotorskoj regiji UGT1A1 gena, kod 42 pacijenta sa teÅ”kom fibrozom i cirozom izazvanom HHC, koji postigli stabilan virusoloÅ”ki odgovor i 42 ispitanika u kontrolnoj grupi zdravih dobro - voljnih davalaca krvi. Pacijenti sa HHC su dodatno analizirani kliničkim pregledima, laboratorijskim analizama (hematoloÅ”ki, biohemijski i virusoloÅ”ki) i fibroskenom jetre. Rezultati: UGT1A1*28 genotip (7/7 TA ponavljanja) je bio prisutan kod 23.8% pacijenata sa HHC i 16,7% zdravih ispitanika, ali bez statistički značajne razlike (p= 0,49). Nivoi feritina i ukupnog bilirubina su bili u korelaciji sa prisustvom UGT1A1*28 pre primene antivirusne terapije, Å”to sugeriÅ”e prediktivnu ulogu ovog genotipa. U ovoj studiji nije bilo korelacije UGT1A1*28 genotipa sa stepenom fibroze i viremijom. Prisustvo UGT1A1*28 genotipa nije uticalo na terapijske prekide i redukcije doze antivirusnih lekova, ishod lečenja niti pojavu kasnog virusoloÅ”kog res lapsa kod pacijenata sa HHC i teÅ”kim oÅ”tećenjem jetre. Zaključak: Učestalost UGT1A1*28 genotipa je visoka među srpskim zdravim ispitanicima i pacijentima sa HHC infekcijom. Ispitivani genotip se ne dovodi u vezu sa nes željenim efektima ribavirina niti ima uticaj na ishod lečenja i dugoročnu prognozu pacijenata sa HHC.Background: Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is a significant cause of liver related morbidity and mortality worldwide. The role of genetics in the host response to hepatitis C virus is not elucidated. Genetic variations in UGT1A1 gene are the most common cause of hereditary unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia-Gilbert syndrome. This is the first study investigating the association of UGT1A1 TA repeats promoter genotypes with the degree of liver injury, viremia and biochemical markers in CHC patients with advanced liver injury and late virological relapse. Methods: Genetic testing of UGT1A1 TA repeats promoter genotypes was performed in 42 CHC patients with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis who achieved sustained virological response and 42 healthy blood donors. CHC patients were evaluated for clinical findings, laboratory tests and imaging. Results: UGT1A1*28 genotype (7/7 TA repeats) was observed in 23.8% CHC patients and 16.7% healthy controls with no significant difference in genotype frequencies (p= 0.49). Pretreatment levels of ferritin and bilirubin were associated with the presence of U G T1A1*28 genotype, indicating its potential as a predictive marker. However, in our study, there was no correlation of U G T1A 1*28 genotype with the degree of fibrosis or viremia. During antiviral treatment, dose reductions and treatment interruptions, as well as treatment success and occurrence of late virological relapse were not related to the presence of U G T1A 1*28 genotype in CHC patients with severe liver injury. Conclusions: Frequencies of U G T1A 1*28 genotype are high in both Serbian CHC patients and healthy subjects. The presence of U G T1A 1*28 genotype was not associated with ribavirin-related adverse effects and had no effect on long term outcome in CHC patients